miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

Actualizaciones de la red LinkedIn, 02/10/2013

Actualizaciones de la red, 25 de sep - 2 de oct
Actualizaciones destacadas
César Badaracco
Mariana Luque Santoro
César Badaracco está ahora en contacto con Mariana Luque Santoro
Actualizaciones de tu red extensa
Conecta con ellos para averiguar lo último
Edward Estradah
Edward Estradah http://lnkd.in/GfKaUQ
New Creation Realities
New Creation Realities
New Creation Realities. 6 likes · 1 talking about this....
Jacobe Cheeks
Jacobe Cheeks http://lnkd.in/bBDcT3Y Sign Up Good Income!!!
jr_aws's photo on...
mary susan
mary susan By Samuel GilbertFor many people, a desire to have a more attractive body leads to an interest in natural bodybuilding. A lean and fit body requires hard work and determination. An undesirable short cut measure is to take drugs for bulk, but this is not recommended. For those individuals who want to take the route of natural body sculpting, it means they will never consume substances that are not included in a healthy diet. The definition of "natural" has changed somewhat by those pushing the limits. A more strict interpretation leads to better management of the weight and a healthier lif...
Some Of The Advantages Of Natural Body Sculpting
For many people, a desire to have a more attractive body leads to an interest in natural bodybuilding. A lean and fit body requires hard work and determination. An undesirable short cut measure is to take drugs for bulk, but this is not...
karen moran
karen moran The New York City Opera turned to Kickstarter last month to help with its financial troubles, but it failed to reach its $1 million goal, accruing just more than $300,000 in pledges before the Sept. 30 deadline. The company's unsuccessful Kickstarter project and failure to attract big-time donors forced the opera's board and management to file for bankruptcy. "New York City Opera did not achieve the goal of its emergency appeal," the NYC Opera informed donors on its Kickstarter page. "[We] will begin the necessary financial and operational steps to wind down the Company including initia...
Failed Kickstarter Forces NYC Opera to File for Bankruptcy
Failed Kickstarter Forces NYC Opera to File for Bankruptcy
The New York City Opera failed to raise enough money on Kickstarter and from donors offline, forcing the troupe to file for bankruptcy as a result.
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Este mensaje de correo electrónico estaba dirigido a Victor Arriaga. Averigua la razón por la que incluimos esto. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct., Mountain View, CA 94043 EE.UU.

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